Affiliate Marketing is Like a Snowblower

It started snowing early this morning which led me to a distraction from writing this blog sooner. There should be no excuses, but life happens. In this case, it was snow. You see for many years now, 38 ½ to be exact, I have been married to a wonderful man who works for a landscaping company. The rewards are great! I love the outdoors and he has taught me quite a bit about plants, landscaping dos and don’ts, building decks, etc.

The flip side to this is that during the winter months when snow is expected, he brings the truck home ready to go plow other places for the company. He leaves early on and has to stay out until the job is done. Of course, we look after each other’s needs so my daughters and I have always taken care of the home front on snowy days while he is away.

Snow shovels!

Yes, that’s right! Snow shovels! For years we only had snow shovels. It would take quite a while for me and my little ones at the time to shovel our walkways, driveway, and neighbor’s properties who needed our help. But we did it. It was what we could afford, and it got the job done. Thank goodness! As the girls grew, the shoveling chore did get easier.

The thought of owning a snowblower someday was a dream. A really, really big dream. I saved and saved. We had a garden. I hung laundry outside to dry (which, by the way saves a heck of a lot on the electric bill during the spring and summer months) and did side jobs like sewing alterations in addition to teaching.

Soon, I kept telling myself. Soon.

Dreams do Come True!

In memory of our dog, Moose

You guessed it! The time came for us to purchase a snowblower! Wow! Amazing! You may think I’m crazy, but this was the best gift for us at the time! The ease of motion. Walking the length of the driveway rather than constantly lifting shovels full of snow! This was great!

Which brings me to tonight…

Times have changed. Out of the four, only one daughter is still at home. Sure enough, when I commented that the snow had stopped, without hesitation, she got herself ready and we headed outside. She with the shovel and me with the snowblower.

How This Relates to Affiliate Marketing

As I was clearing the driveway, I started thinking about how we used to rely solely on the snow shovels to clear our path. But over time, we’ve started to use a snowblower which has made our lives much easier. It has freed up our time and allowed us to do other things like enjoying hot chocolate and playing games with our family after coming in from the cold.

Our jobs are like the snow shovels, essential to our life’s path. We need them to pay the bills, raise a family, put children through college, take care of home repairs, and everything else that appears in our path.

We work for years hoping to make enough money to eventually work less and enjoy life more. However, as time moves on, and we get older, we need to think of ways to continue to clear the path without the strenuous work involved.

Affiliate marketing is like the snowblower. Creating an online business can help ease the path to financial freedom and offer us more time with our loved ones. With an online business, we can work fewer hours while still earning an income. This is the dream for many!

In Conclusion

On this snowy night, memories of years past and making ends meet drifted through my mind.

As the years go by, we reflect on what we did to get things done. Have we made changes along the way to ease our burden? How have we chosen to clear our path so to speak? Some may still be shoveling their way through life. Feeling the weariness of long work days, weeks, etc.

Is there financial freedom in sight?

Nowadays, many people have online businesses in addition to or in place of their regular daily employment. Finding an online business, such as affiliate marketing, is a remarkable opportunity to make our lives more comfortable and offer us financial freedom.


Allow yourself time to reflect on what would help ease your way through your own life’s path. Then take the steps to achieve it!

Please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you.

All the best,

Milissa Neirotti

23 thoughts on “Affiliate Marketing is Like a Snowblower”

  1. Milissa, snow shovels here in Alabama are few and far between, and a snow blower, well… that would be a special order item 🤣. However, keeping the path ahead of you clear from what hinders your progress is a great comparison to your shovels and snow blowers example. Seems when we start in the Affiliate Marketing business, we dive head first into the snow and sometimes in over our head. Then we decided to progress to shovels, which is hard work, but it gets the job done…
    Then… THE SNOWBLOWER 😲 ( Dean Holland and his coaches) LOVE IT!!!

  2. Hi Milissa, what a great post!
    I don’t know what I loved more, visualizing the love, strength and support within your family, or the analogy…maybe both 🙂
    The analogy of the snow blower and how it relates to affiliate marketing and clearing the path to financial freedom was awesome! thank you. Look forward to your next posts!
    Denny Medeiros recently posted…Building Relationship Through Email 👋My Profile

  3. Hi
    Great analogy, the right tools might cost a bit more, but they can get the job done quicker and better, the thing is its the result that counts, not the tool, so even the heavy lifting way works to clear the snow.

    Oh by the way, I like your photo of Moose. We used to have a dog called Frost (after a TV detective) but when people asked why he was called Frost I always use to say “Because Frost bites”

  4. Milissa!! I saw your comment to me on the coaching call with Glenn the other day , but I was in the middle of trying to work out some issues with him, and then when I was trying to write to you on there we got cut off! So I apologize for that…
    Anyway… I want to tell you what a great analogy you came up with on this blog.It really hit home with me.And you have done such an amazing job on designing your website here.I am really proud of you. I definately have to work more on my website design but was having a problem with my editor and then got locked out of wordpress(thus the call with Glenn!), so I will be working on that shortly.
    Well it is great following your progress, and I will continue to do so.
    Take Care and I will see you at the TOP!!!

  5. You are so right in preparing to make life easier as you grow older. Everyone should prepare for that. Yes, live for the moment, but work your plan for the future, it is coming.

  6. Hi Milissa, I enjoyed reading your post. I loved the analogy… it makes perfect sense. I’m just starting out on a similar affiliate marketing journey and I can certainly relate to a lot of what you’re writing about. Look forward to reading more later!

  7. Living in Sweden and having a very snowy winter this year, I totally get your snow blower analogy!

    I’m still doing the manual snow shoveling, both the actual and the metaphorical. I actually enjoy it all, because I know it will make me appreciate the snowblower that much more when I get to that point.

    Great writing!

  8. A while ago I heard someone online say the phrase “work smarter, not harder”, was BS, and only something a scammer would say. I don’t think that person ever worked in the trades.

    I first heard that saying while re-roofing a house. It’s good to have a solid work ethic, but even better when we get the right tools for the job so, as your snow blower illustrates, we can work smarter, not harder. And as affiliate marketing can do, we can make a full-time income without working full-time hours.

  9. Milissa,
    Starting with snow shovels and fueled by the hope and dream of owning a snowblower—what a motivating analogy that resonates with the journey of working harder for our aspirations! Loved the post, and even though I don’t experience snow where I am, I can totally relate to the story. Life’s “snow shovels” indeed pave I the way to our “snowblowers.” I agree that affiliate marketing can be the snow shovel or opportunity to help achieve your snowblower, or financial freedom.

  10. I live in the tropical region where it is summer all year round. So I never even heard of a snow blower until I saw this post.

    But I do love your analogy of snow blower to affiliate marketing.

    Indeed, affiliate marketing is a great opportunity for anyone looking to achieve financial problem, as long as one is willing to put in the work.

  11. Tools are great aids in our lives but so many have them and leave them unused. It is better to have the will to shovel than the excuse of not having a snow blower. You always came through and now have the tools and that character you have always shown will lead you to wherever you want to go.
    God bless

  12. Milissa, great analogy about the snowplough, being like affiliate marketing. It’s the thing you were saving for and waiting for for many many years before you were able to get it and use it. And then it made your life so much easier. That’s the same you’re doing now with building your affiliate marketing business. And I’m sure you’re looking forward to the day when you can use your affiliate marketing business like you can now use your snowplough. Great, thanks very much,

  13. Milissa, what a great comparison! I like the idea that affiliate marketing can be an easier way to earn money than some jobs, but you’ve still got to work it. Like the snowblower, you have to walk in the cold to blow the snow away; there’s still some work to do to earn money in affiliate marketing. But once I learn the skills and get accustomed to the tasks, it will be much easier than my other jobs!

  14. Hi Milissa!
    As a fellow snow shoveller this definitely resonated with me! LOL great comparison! What a wonderful memory to share of the process and how it has affected your relationship with your family.

  15. Milissa, how dedicated of you to scrimp and save for the snowblower that you kept telling yourself, “Soon” – just to free up some time to enjoy family activities.

    And what a great analogy to free up time and ease the path to financial freedom with an online business.

    Yes – this is truly a dream for many! And it appears that you and your family have allowed yourselves time to reflect on what will help ease your way through your lives’ path.

    I can at the very least see that you are taking the steps to achieve it!
    Robert Klein recently posted…Continuity in ProcessingMy Profile

  16. I need a snowblower Milissa.
    I recently went to see my Mum in Poland, and to clear the paths of snow I had to use a shovel. And it is hard work, despite it was lot less than in your picture 🙂
    I strongly agree that everyone needs to look at how to improve their lives, with additional income. Affiliate marketing is a perfect opportunity, especially now.
    Stay warm.

  17. I love your post and sharing your personal story. I liked the analogy of affiliate marketing to a snow blower and comparing a 9-5 job to using a shovel. Brilliant and so true!! I am also starting my journey with affiliate marketing and look forward to coming back to your blog.
    Eleanor Hope recently posted…Clarity of PurposeMy Profile

  18. Milissa,
    I love your analogy of the snowblower vs shovels, in comparison to Affiliate Marketing vs Manual labor jobs. So many of us toil away for years trying to make ends meet, then along comes Affiliate Marketing, making it so much better. Sure, there is still a lot of work to do, but it isn’t the physical labor that we have been doing. It is that thing that we have all been dreaming of to make our lives easier, and to give us more time with our families.
    Best of luck!

  19. Milissa,

    Snow is great, I grew up skating, snowmobiling and skiing. However, I never did come to love the shovelings. I use to drive my 4×4 over the snow and pack it down so I didn’t have to shovel it.

    Live in a warm clement now and miss the snow.

    This brings me to a thought, If I treated my online business like I treated shoveling snow, no wonder I did not succeed until I change how I looked at thing.
    I have since learned to there will be things that need to be done that we may not like but must do if we want to succeed.
    Thank for the weather forecast.

  20. I’ve shoveled the 28 foot lane where I used to live countless times before we got a blessed snowblower. Success in affiliate marketing would allow me to outsource the job, which is even better! Shoveling is great exercise but time consuming. Have to free up time where I can to run this business, and to enjoy other aspects of life.

    Great analogy and envisioning a new life is real!

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