Transitioning Teacher Finds the Secret to a Flexible Side Hustle

Hello! My name is Milissa Neirotti, and I have been a mathematics teacher for many years. However, my passion for teaching and learning extends far beyond the traditional classroom setting.

As each year passed, I started to think about future plans. What would retirement be like? Would I have enough money in my pension to continue the adventures on my bucket list? Would I be able to support my family in the years ahead?

I absolutely enjoyed teaching through the years, but wondered about my financial future.

The Search for a Side Hustle Begins!

I worked with many wonderful colleagues through the years who had to supplement their full-time teaching employment with a secondary source of income, working many after-school hours each week with teacher responsibilities as well as an added side hustle for additional financial support!

I, too, worked side gigs every now and again, as unexpected bills presented themselves into our everyday life. Not only am I known as Mrs. Neirotti the mathematics teacher, but Milissa Neirotti the seamstress. Many late nights my family would find me doing sewing alterations on prom gowns, creating dresses, etc., just to make ends meet.

Living through the hustle and bustle of full-time employment with the additional side hustle got me thinking…

Do I really want to be this deep in work all the time?

I started thinking of how many nights and weekends I would be grading papers, creating lesson plans, making report card deadlines, etc. while my family was elsewhere in our home. I wanted time with them! Now some teachers post that you shouldn’t do work beyond contractual hours, and I respect that thought completely. But let’s get real… with today’s administrative demands, teacher’s work cannot be completed in the minimal prep time during the day. At least not for me!

The Secret is Revealed!

The search was on! I needed to find the perfect side hustle that could one day possibly become my additional retirement income. Not only that – I wanted to find something that would offer flexible hours! More time with family and friends! Remote work that I could do in any location so that the bucket list adventures could continue! I wanted the freedom to live my life, my way!

I spoke with friends and colleagues.

I searched many times on Google for “making money online”.

My Facebook feed became inundated with ads upon ads of “Get Rich Quick” schemes. There seemed to be so many scams. Just seeing the “Opt-Ins” with make $$$$ in less than a week. Seriously people???

Then I came across an ad for a FREE book. Yes, I pondered…and pondered some more. Should I get this book or not? I decided, Why Not? and my life is starting to change!

The secret to an online business is that even flexible, passive income still needs the nurturing of consistent time, effort, focused goals, and support.

In Conclusion

I am excited to continue documenting the next chapter of “From Teacher to Online Entrepreneur” in my future blogs. It is my goal to post every week.

Have you thought about your plans for making money online?

Please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!

All the best!

Milissa Neirotti


33 thoughts on “Transitioning Teacher Finds a Secret to the Flexible Side Hustle”

  1. Milissa,

    I like this first blog post and it is very well laid out.

    And your statement in the “The Secret is Revealed!” section, “I wanted the freedom to live my life, my way!” strikes a chord with me.

    My plans for making money online surely aligns with yours.

    I mean, how could we go wrong with consistent effort, a proven plan to follow and having the support we need to move forward!

    I look forward to the continuing documentation of your next chapter…from Teacher to Online Entrepreneur.
    Robert Klein recently posted…Hello World!My Profile

    1. Hi Robert! I just wanted to take a moment to say a big thank you for reading my blog. I really appreciate your support and I’m so grateful for your feedback. I can’t wait to continue sharing my thoughts and ideas with you in the future. Let’s stay in touch and keep the conversation going!

  2. Hi, great stuff and I am keen to hear how you get on. Have you heard of Teachers Pay Teachers?
    It’s a website where you can sell digital teaching aids to other teachers, things like Math games, Lesson plans, Writing grids, Printables etc. My daughter has been using this for a year now and is beginning to see daily sales come in!

    Anyhow I will be keen to hear how you get on
    tony simms recently posted…#6 Contract SignedMy Profile

    1. Hi Tony! I wanted to take a quick moment to thank you for checking out my blog. Your support means the world to me! Thank you for letting me know about TPT! I wish your daughter continued success! I’m always looking for ways to improve and create content that you’ll love. I can’t wait to connect with you again soon!

  3. Hello, I loved reading your story 😀 it’s is very inspirational. I myself do not want to spend all my time working, I want to be able to enjoy my life! I look forward to following your journey. Keeley x

    1. Hi Keeley! Thanks a lot for taking the time to read my blog! Your feedback means the world to me, and I’m excited to hear your thoughts. I can’t wait to stay in touch and share more exciting content with you in the future!

    1. Hi Sophie! I just wanted to take a moment to say a big thank you for reading my blog. I appreciate your support and I’m so grateful for your feedback. I can’t wait to continue sharing my thoughts and ideas with you in the future. Let’s stay in touch and keep the conversation going!

  4. Hi, Milissa! I understand the need to supplement a teacher’s income! I was an English teacher myself. I had to stop my career due to health concerns, and I am also looking forward to making money online. I look forward to following your journey!

    1. Hi Nakina! I hope this reply finds you well. It is nice to be able to relate our teaching experiences! I wanted to take a quick moment to thank you for checking out my blog. Your support means the world to me! I’m always looking for ways to improve and create content that you’ll love. I can’t wait to connect with you again soon!

  5. Hello Milissa! Nice introductory post you’ve made there! Congratulations for starting your own online business. In these days, the economic environment forces us to re-invent ourselves getting our creativity at work more than ever. In order to offer and achieve a decent life standard for our family and ourselves, we realize soon we need more than a single salary. However, having different sideline’s incomes necessitate you invest your time even more, sometimes more than expected, and when your day job comes to steal your spare times, then you must do something about it. These life changes necessitate efforts, re-adjustments, and courage! At the end, you want this time investment to get back you, for you, to enjoy a great life! By starting this blog along your own online business, I’m confident you made a step in the right direction, and hopefully develop a passion that will bring you all the success you deserve. Working on a passion that will free-up your time eventually, isn’t that good enough?! Looking forward for your next post. Have a great day!

    1. Hi Martin! I just wanted to take a moment to say a big thank you for reading my blog. I appreciate your support and I’m so grateful for your detailed feedback. I can’t wait to continue sharing my thoughts and ideas with you in the future. Let’s stay in touch and keep the conversation going!

  6. Hello Milissa,
    I love your blog and all of the detail in it. I hope to learn to write a blog so well. I look forward to reading more of your blogs in the future!

    1. Hi Kelli! Thanks a lot for taking the time to read my blog! Your feedback means the world to me, and I’m excited to hear your thoughts. I can’t wait to stay in touch and share more exciting content with you in the future!

    1. Hi Marc! I am so grateful that you took the time to read my blog! Your feedback is incredibly valuable to me, and I am eagerly anticipating our future conversations. Thank you for being a part of my journey!

  7. Milissa, your story resonates very much with me as I feel the same. Also being a professional you shouldn’t have to be a seamstress too to make ends meet. Unfortunately that’s the reality. My wife is a deputy headteacher so I am familiar with the admin you talk about. I wish you all the success to adhesive your goals and look forward to hearing how you get on. Atif
    Atif Perwiz recently posted…So, it begins……..My first blog post!My Profile

    1. Hi Atif! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! Your feedback means the world to me, and I’m excited to hear your thoughts. I can’t wait to stay in touch and share more exciting content with you in the future!

  8. Hey Milissa great post! I certainly resonate with your reasons for wanting to start an online business and create a better life where you have more time to live your life as you want to. I am so with you on that having embarked on my own journey to upgrade my life so I can live it the way I want to. Wishing you a very successful 2024! I look forward to following your journey 😊

  9. Hi Milissa,
    Finished reading your blog. Quite inspirational to say, at the very least. The value of teachers are extremely underrated & it’s wonderful to see someone willing to continue the journey.
    Retirement doesn’t have to be the ending of life & its rewards. The time to shine is now & finding income in creative ways is definitely a positive.
    Wishing you success for a prosperous future!

    1. Hi Michele,
      Thank you for stopping by my blog! Your visit means a lot to me. I hope you find the content informative and engaging. As you mentioned, “finding income in creative ways is definitely a positive.” Be sure to check back often for fresh updates and exciting new posts. Thanks again for your support!

  10. Hi Melissa!
    Fabulous story, I can relate a bit to you as I am a historian. I didn’t last long as a teacher as I quickly realised that I needed more income.
    I will visit your blog, keep doing a great job, and thank you for the book recommendation. I love to read.
    Tom recently posted…Internet Profits 1 Year Anniversary!My Profile

  11. Pingback: The Needle in the Haystack for a Successful Online Business - Milissa Neirotti

    1. Hi Sharel!
      Thank you so much for your comment and well wishes! I can’t wait to continue sharing my thoughts and ideas with you in the future. Let’s stay in touch and keep the conversation going!
      All the best,
      Milissa Neirotti

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