chocolate labrador puppy

From Excuse to Icon: Unleashing the Power of “My Dog Ate My Homework” in Online Business

Once upon a time in the land of academia, there began the witty excuse that was so potent, so timeless, it could make even the strictest teachers grin. The infamous tale of “My Dog Ate My Homework” was the hopeful key for any student wanting to avoid completing a school assignment.

This phrase has transcended its humble origins to become an iconic symbol of procrastination, creativity, and sometimes avoidance of responsibility.

This tale, however, isn’t just about dodging those school assignments; it is a saga of how this excuse can fetch valuable lessons for online entrepreneurs!

Growing Its Tale

Chocolate Labrador puppyIt is not very clear as to when and where “My Dog Ate My Homework” originated. However, from this simple excuse, it has grown its tale to become a cultural presence through the years.

Despite its absurdity, this phrase is still used because it taps into a universal struggle to meet deadlines and the temptation to blame external forces for our shortcomings.

In this digital age, humorous attempts to deflect the responsibility for unfinished tasks are common. This excuse has taken on new forms such as “I Lost My WiFi Connection” or “My Computer Died.”

The essence of “My Dog Ate My Homework” remains among us!

Lessons for Fetching Success with This New Digital Dog

Sniffing out Authenticity

Experienced teachers have a knack for sensing when an explanation is just an excuse.

With an online business, customers can smell insincerity. To be successful in your business you need to be authentic in your interactions. You need to build the trust that you can become their faithful friend.

Going for Walks on Different Paths

chocolate labrador at lakeThe old excuse was told through handwritten notes, body language, or storytelling. Sooner or later, though, something had to be done. The teacher and student had to weigh the options on a solution to the presented dilemma whether it be the original assignment, a modified one, or receiving a failing grade for not submitting it.

With an online business, you must travel and adapt to the ever-changing internet landscape. Many entrepreneurs start with having a brainstorm on how they want to reach their audience. When faced with adversity from their decision, the old “My Dog” excuse may come into play. Don’t delay the process of growing your business!

Online business entrepreneurs use blogging, websites, and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X, TikTok, YouTube, and Pinterest to find paths to their customers.

A strategy that may be successful for others may not work for you, and that’s okay! Try a different one!

Stay agile in your stride to always stay one step ahead of the pack!

Treating when Learning New Tricks

chocolate labrador puppyCreating an online business has its challenges. Remember, though, anything worth having is worth working for.

Don’t take the little things for granted! When life throws you a bone, stay away from the excuses and problem-solve on your way to success. It may take some time so employ consistent effort and award yourself with treats for the small wins along the way!

Gnawing on a Bone

Like a determined dog gnawing on a bone, to have a successful online business requires persistence when facing challenges.

Don’t give up at the first sign of trouble.

Keep focused on the task at hand.

In Conclusion

My fellow entrepreneur, in the grand scheme of an online business, “My Dog Ate My Homework” plays an unexpected note but wags a common tale.

When the internet world throws you a task that you would rather avoid and feel tempted to blame it on a mischievous digital dog, sit back, smile at the good old days, then roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Don’t let excuses hold you back from moving forward with your business. Go for a walk on a different path and see what you find. It may just be the right fit for you to succeed!

Which promotional strategies have you tried with your online business?

Please leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you!

All the best,

Milissa Neirotti

15 thoughts on “From Excuse to Icon: Unleashing the Power of “My Dog Ate My Homework” in Online Business”

  1. Some excuses are realities but it’s necessary to know the differences between the reality and the excuse. As Dean said this morning, if we don’t love what we are doing, love it- or leave it. Hold it or fold it. Practice tough love with ourselves, in the form of unrelenting honesty. Stepping aside as a witness helps.

    1. Hi Kate,
      Thank you for the insight! I agree that practicing tough love seems to be a necessity for all business journeys when conquering any obstacles that appear in our path.
      All the best!
      Milissa Neirotti

  2. This is the first time I heard of “my dog at my homework”. But I find it very interesting nonetheless.

    Regarding promotional strategies, I have done SEO in the past. It can take a few months before your site start ranking, but once it is ranking, you can get very good quality traffic.

    The problem is, Google can change their algorithm any time and you can lose your rankings overnight.

    So these days, I prefer paid traffic strategy. Because you can have more control over how much leads you are getting every day.

  3. Milissa,
    I like how you used the analogy of a dog to relay your points about making excuses for not doing things.

    It is true that making excuses and not taking responsibility for our actions is timeless. The Bible say it well, “there is nothing new under the sun”.
    However, if we want to be successful in life, we must take responsibility for our own actions. By doing so it allows one to grow and move forward. Only through this personal growth can one’s business grow and eventually thrive.

    There is an old saying, “If it’s going to be, it’s up to me”.

    Thanks for the reminder that we must take responsibility and not lay the blame on other things or people.

    Keep Moving forward!

  4. I loved the dog theme in your blog post and it make me smile ( as a dog owner) I have never used the famous phrase myself but I’m sure I pulled other excuses out of the bag as a teenager.
    A few weeks back, I was queen of procrastination, the house was gleaming, all the jobs I didn’t want to do were done, just so I didn’t have to face the challenges on my blog. However, one day, I sat up and faced it and I’m truly glad I did and what’s lovely, I enjoyed doing it. I don’t know what the fear was all about. Love what you do and you’ll never work again.
    I’m looking forward to your next blog post.

  5. We can certainly procrastinate forever if we let ourselves, so like you say, sooner or later something has to be done. I agree that if we look at one path and it makes us want to stop, look for a new path – sometimes knowing when to quit quickly and try something new is very valuable.

  6. Hey Milissa,
    Even if we know it was our fault, it is difficult to admit it. Then it’s far more easier to blame the dog then having to confront our ego. It’s a work that must be done on ourself and a matter of realizing that we are learning and if we want to progress we have to do something about it, not the dog.😊

  7. Have to love the analogy!
    We find so many excuses for so many things but since I’ve never had a dog, couldn’t use that one! LOL!
    Thanks for providing great information all the while keeping a smile on face.
    All the best!

  8. Hi, Milissa! I love the idea of a digital dog eating my homework when it comes to needing an excuse for not doing my online business work! It helps me to have a bit of a laugh at myself when I’m having trouble moving forward, and this fits that bill!

    This is such a refreshing post!
    Keep them coming 🙂 I’m enjoying your blog!

  9. Milissa, that’s a very good blog topic thank you. People come up with all sorts of excuses and in fact these days because of technology and phones etc we can come up with so many more. The dog ate my homework was definitely the main one in the 70s and 80s. in the 90s, it was my computer keeps crashing and now with the Internet it’s all about. I haven’t got Wi-Fi. Either way it’s all an excuse and with affiliate marketing we can’t have excuses because it will never happen until we just get on with it thanks for a great blog Atif
    Atif Perwiz recently posted…Unlock both locks on the door if you want success in Affiliate MarketingMy Profile

  10. Great analogy! It is important to stay disciplined and to hold yourself accountable for any lack of action on your part.

    My promotional strategy I’m working on is FaceBook Ads, it is a beast and has been quite the challenge to learn. Some days it certainly feels like I’m in a tug-of-war with the dog, but I won’t let ’em take my homework!

    I enjoyed your post and your pictures, Milissa!

  11. “With an online business, customers can smell insincerity”. Yes and YES! This is so true and something I have thought a lot about in my affiliate marketing journey. There’s a lot of insincerity out there, a lot of unethical practices, and I do believe, just like you said, that people can sniff it out right away. I’m glad to see you’re on the same road like me and we’re out to change the narrative how this can be done.

  12. Milissa,
    First of all that is the Cutest Dog ever and I am sure would never be so mischievous to eat your homework. LOL. All kidding aside, yes we must adapt to the digital world and try different strategies that will work for our own online business. Here is to getting our own “dogs in check” and get the work done, no procrastinating.
    Sherri Pulcino recently posted…Just Keep Going!My Profile

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